May Weekend Revision Courses with Oxford Science Studies summer course in Oxford, by Oxford Science Studies.
We understand how stressful last-minute revision can be, which is why we offer our May Weekend Revision Courses. The last opportunity, before the start of exams, for students to sit face to face with expert tutors, to overcome challenging topics and gain some last-minute exam experience and advice.
Comfortable accommodation in an Oxford campus.
Our trusted teach and test method allows students to review subject content, working through troubling areas with our expert tutors, then putting their learning into practice via exam style questions during the independent exam practice. This method allows students to confirm their understanding, identify any other trouble areas, and gain experience answering the type of questions that will feature in the exam, in an environment that provides them with support and feedback, aiming to build their confidence.
Based in a city renowned for its academic excellence, Oxford Science Studies are revision specialists, offering revision courses for GCSE, IGCSE, IB and A Level students.
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